week nine
Reflect on the goals you set out to achieve in Week 1. Have you worked towards achieved them? How did they change as the course progressed?
What do you want to get out of this course? I want to learn what it looks like to get a project and develop it as a team.
I think I have achieved this! We’ve been working as a team this whole time, producing this product. On top of that, I’ve learnt how to work in a team in an agile fashion - with structures like issues, requirements analysis, sprint planning/retros, having a team role as scrum master…. It has changed in each sprint as we’ve become more familiar with working in an agile fashion.
What skills do you want to develop and improve? Teamwork, team roles and actually coding. Also developing understanding in how to produce something for a client
As mentioned above, I think I've improved in teamwork and having a team role. I’ve also improved in communication, making sure members have a united goal. And actually coding… yes! I haven’t really touched frontend before, so this was new and exciting.
I’ve developed understanding in how to produce something for a client. This is because we were given very limited spec, and we had to make our own user stories, requirements, and had to keep consulting Max, our tutor. Even though this was more painful than 1531, where we were given the architecture, the API design, and all the requirements, this was a good learning experience.
Look back on what you thought the biggest challenge would be - was it that or something else?
What do you think will be the biggest challenge of the course? Having a vague spec!
Yep! Yep yep yep! (mentioned above).
What have you learned from the course? Pick 2 or 3 key things to talk about.
Working in a team, in agile fashion - as mentioned above, having structures to reflect and improve and delegate work has been really helpful!
Working with the client in mind - we spent quite a bit of time doing requirements engineering, and consulting our tutor. We also managed to do user testing, and understand from the point of view of a user.
What are you most excited to continue learning about in future courses?
I really don’t know! I think I need more technical skills :))
Include a picture of something - can be anything.
a small part of our baby