2022-03-21 Meeting notes

2022-03-21 Meeting notes


Mar 18, 2022


  • @Michelle Kaminski

  • @Joshua Smee

  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @Tay Leung

  • @Garvi Poudyal


  • Decide on purpose of application

  • Decide on which APIs we want to use

 Discussion topics





Application purpose

Create a service that small business owners can use, if they don't know how invoicing works. They can just fill in a form with the information and we will create the invoice, send and render it.


Chosen APIs:

  • Creation:

  • Validation:

  • Rendering: Inspect cloth


  • other APIs use different format, they use UBL 2.1 and we use peppol bis3.0. Looking at the spec we realised that different APIs use different standards

  • Peppol bis 3.0 provides email, UBL 2.1 does not provide email.

  • Peppol bis doesn’t have to take email


  • add header that takes email address, use the email in the xml file if it is provided, or use the email in header.

 Action items

@Former user (Deleted) Change API to use the correct standard
@Garvi Poudyal Create wire frame
Fix tests for communication report