2022-04-15 Meeting notes

2022-04-15 Meeting notes


Apr 15, 2022


  • @Michelle Kaminski

  • @Garvi Poudyal

  • @Joshua Smee


  • Go over progress and things that need to be

 Discussion topics





Go over updates

  • finished user and payment history

  • Still need to finish product history

  • xml history in progress

  • Marking criteria in progress

Win for investors as we are not keeping track of invoices as we are not a point of sale. It would be a security risk as we are a web based system, there is always that possibility of being compromised. So there is no risk for the customer.

Shark tank

Win for investors as we are not keeping track of invoices as we are not a point of sale. It would be a security risk as we are a web based system, there is always that possibility of being compromised. So there is no risk for the customer.

 Action items

@Garvi Poudyal finish marking criteria
@Michelle Kaminski and @Garvi Poudyal to start working on report
@Joshua Smee and @Former user (Deleted) to finish off new features
