Minimum Viable Product
From our requirements, we figured out that our main tasks were to:
Send an email with the invoice
Create a communication report
Be able to send to multiple recipients
We decided our MVP was to be able to send an invoice to the recipient via email.
We made those 3 points outlined above our epics, and mapped them out on our roadmap/gantt chart, having sending an invoice as first on the timeline with communication report and multiple recipients being further down the line. This reflects our priorities and the fact that epics 2 and 3 cannot be completed unless there is significant progress in epic 1.
After being broken down into epics, tickets were created under each. For example, sending an invoice was broken down into first having a framework for flask, then being able to send an email, and finally sending an email (with subtasks of loading the XML and saving the XML). Subtasks were also used almost like checkboxes - the communication report required readable error messages or success message, and also time sent. These were subtasks that could be “done” under the bigger task.
Priority | Reasoning |
Highest |
High |
Medium |
Low |
Lowest |
Priorities have been allocated according to the MVP. The task of simply sending the invoice was vital - so those were very high priority with the first of those, setting up flask or sending a simple email the highest priority. Additionally, any tasks that would affect the continuation in completing other tasks were also taken as high priority, such as setting up the Flask or even initially assigning team roles, in order to ensure every member had direction and an understanding of their role in the team. Further tasks were lower priority, such as setting up checking email address that are due .
All other tasks were given a low - high priority, as there was no set specific time or strict deadline by which they needed to be completed ~ and hadn't relied on other tasks also being completed. This allowed for flexibility in terms of soft deadlines that were set.
Dependencies and Prerequisites
Dependencies and prerequisites have been highlighted by using the “blocked/blocking” function on Jira. For example, in - SE2Y22G21-48Getting issue details... STATUS , it is blocked by - SE2Y22G21-46Getting issue details... STATUS . The order in the backlog reflects this - tasks were sequenced logically (for example, there needs to be multiple emails sent before we can make a communication report with multiple deliveries).
Story points
Story points were allocated according to the difficulty, the amount of work needed, and skill required. Tasks such as checking email were simple, doable, and required less skill thus given 1 story point. This is because a similar task was done in COMP1531. Tasks such as sending email with invoice has subtasks, is more time consuming, fiddly and requires skill, thus were given 2 or 3 story points.
Story Point | Reasoning |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Task allocations may not seem equal if we only count the number of tasks, or the number of story points. However, it is equal according to each team member’s capacity - in our previous meetings, we have gauged and noted each team member’s experience and skills. We also took into account what tasks team members preferred to do, if they had a preference. For example, Joshua and Edward have a higher interest in setting up flask and other server related things, and also have the skills for that, thus were allocated those tasks.
Additionally, through previous experiences of understanding Story Point allocation, Epics and understanding priorities, Tay was able to take lead in this role in ensuring all members had an understanding. Through this, there were many of times, where members worked alongside each other in pair work, to offset the workload (as well as provide more insights). This includes co-creating the User Stories, as well as discussing what the team defines as highest to lowest priority, as well as the story points.
This is in addition to also the Framework, where there had been constant discussion the type of
Are the tickets written at a technical level of abstraction?
Have individuals been logically assigned to tasks?
Have dependencies and prerequisites between tasks been highlighted?
Have story points been logically allocated to tasks according to a specified structure
Have priorities been logically allocated to tasks?
Is the backlog sequenced logically?
Have tickets been logically grouped under epics?
Does the plan provide a complete layout of the next sprint of work?
Are task allocations approximately equal?
Have tasks been appropriately broken up into sub-tasks?
Do tickets correspond to logical segmentations of work?