The portfolio assessment consists of two parts:

You can read more here about the weekly blogging.

1. Portfolio Submission

Your portfolio submission will need to contain three pages, one on each of:

For the draft submission, you will need to create an A4-size page (or thereabouts) for each of these three areas.

For the final submission, you can submit anything between A4 or A3 size for each page.

Within your portfolio you should link to relevant forum (blog or other) posts related to your content. You can also have an appendix to your portfolio containing links to any other forum posts, or any other evidence you would like to provide.

Your portfolio should be engaging and well-presented - if you would like, you can make your page an infographic (you can create ones with tools like Canva) which highlights a summary of your reflections and development in the respective area. If you would like to film a short (1 minute) video and embed that inside your infographic you are welcome to do that as well.

Examples of past students' portfolios are available here.

2. Time & Project Management

In your weekly blog posts and portfolio, we are looking for the following with regards to time management:

3. Artisanship

Artisanship is your abilities as a craftsperson; it is the quality of everything you do - from the code you write, the software you design and deploy.

In your weekly blog posts and portfolio, we are looking for the following with regards to artisanship:

4. Teamwork

In your weekly blog posts and portfolio, we are looking for the following with regards to teamwork:

5. Marking Criteria



Weekly Blogging (35%)

  • Have you made a blog post on the forum each week?

  • Do the blog posts show depth, critical reflection and genuine thought? (This does not mean long blog posts)

  • Do the reflections show a holistic understanding of course concepts?

  • Have you helped others by giving feedback, sharing experiences and commenting on their blog posts?

Content (40%)

The marking criteria for this section is described above in each sub-heading. You do not need to hit on all of the points to receive full marks. We are looking for quality rather than quantity here, and content that is driven by evidence.

Presentation & Engagement (20%)

  • Is the portfolio visually appealing? Have images, colours, headings and other visual elements been balanced well?

  • Does the portfolio tell a story?

  • Is the portfolio easy to read and comprehend?

  • Does the portfolio provide an engaging experience?

  • Is it well presented and formatted?

  • Is the portfolio well expressed (free of spelling / grammatical errors)

X-Factor (5%)

This is up to 5 marks which we are are not specifying exactly what we are looking for - this section is for individuals who amaze us, going above and beyond the specification to produce something fantastic.

6. Due Dates


Due Date


Draft Portfolio Submission

Friday 18th March, 5pm (Week 5)


Final Portfolio Submission

Tuesday 26th April, 1pm (Week 11)


The late penalty for both portfolio submissions is the standard UNSW late penalty of a 5% per day reduction of the maximum assessment mark. For example, if the assessment would receive an on-time mark of 7 / 10 and was submitted 3 days late the actual mark would be 5.5 / 10.

7. Submission

You can submit your final portfolio here, or via command line on a CSE machine using the following command:

give se2021 final_portfolio portfolio.pdf

Make sure your file is named portfolio.pdf.

8. Feedback

A mentor will provide feedback on your draft portfolio prior to the final portfolio submission. You are also welcome to post on the forum and ask for feedback.

See here for collective feedback on the draft portfolios.