create user(email, username, password): // Check email if email is valid validate_email(email) // check if username is invalid If len(username) > 100 and len(username) < 5: Input error // check if password is invalid If len(password) > 100 and len(password) < 5: Input error Hash password // check for duplicate email If other user has same email: Input error Create new user Add user to database Return success = True
create_session(username, password): hash password Find user in database If user not found: Input error Create new session Add session to database Create token Return token
remove_session(token): session = load_token(token) Remove session from database Return {}
check_token(token): Session = load_token(token) Return session.userId
decode token
except base exception:
access error
find session in database
if session not found:
Input error
Return session
Communication report
communication_report(error_codes, time_sent):
communication report = {
check error booleans against error codes
for error code in error codes:
include readable message
return communication report
Email system
if email is in correct format:
return True
return False
send_email(xml, timer_start):
error_codes = []
contacts = customerContact(xml)
if xml does not exist or is empty:
append 1 to error_codes
if xml size > 10485760:
append 2 to error_codes
if not validate_email(contacts[‘cust_email’):
append 3 to error_codes
if any error codes:
raise Input error
create email
send mail
return communication_report(error_codes, timer_start) , contacts[‘cust_email’]
Health check
upTime = current time – time server started
alive = True
find call_num in database
return {'alive’: alive, 'serverUpTime': upTime, 'numTransactions': call_num, 'currentVersion' : "Version 1 release"}
create new health check call
add call to database
log_send_invoice(user_id, email_address):
create new send invoice call
add call to database
Ubl Extractor
turn xml into string invoice
find customer in xml
find customer info in customer
find contact info from the customer info
find seller in xml
find seller info in customer
find contact info from the seller info
add customer contact info and seller info to dictionary
return contact dictionary