Requirements + constraints analysis (15%) | Requirements Analysis functional (security, performance) , correct user , user stories and acceptance criteria , logically group features , what competition looks like ……. Constraints -Assumptions , Technical Challenges |
System design | Software Architecture Design(frameworks - comparison table , multiple comparisons, decision making process and reasoning), Sytem modelling, API design, api lifecycle |
Breadth and Depth of Implementation | Software Quality - testing - pylint / pytest percentage , style - docstrings , testing practices , continuous integration and testing - how it is being run and hosted , what peripheral systems are being hosted, decision making and reasoning , continuous deployment
Front End Design - UX/UI, Figma , decision making process and reasoning , wireframes, user testing , use cases , system modelling , sketches
Project Management and Communications | Project Planning, refer to table - include the kanban method , scrums, agile etc etc, organise priority , table of comparison, deciosn making process and reasoning, organised GIT commits, git practices
Team Roles - Strengths + weaknesses , team leader/ scrum / product owner / delivery manager , decision making process and reasoning
Report Structure | abstract, appendix , conclusion , no word limit , cover page , problem statement, Formatting, Future improvements, reflections -functional requirements designed with users in mind? Are the requirements thoughtful and insightful? Are the requirements conveyed via user stories, acceptance criteria or “done”?
Constraints Analysis |
Project Management and Communications (10%) | Has there been consistent agile communications made throughout the term (standups, sprint retrospective, sprint planning)? Does the report provide a comprehensive discussion of the agile communications methods used (including pros and cons)? Have team roles been clearly assigned, providing reasons based on Strengths Weaknesses Interests Goals
Have boards, issues and git practises been used appropriately?