How is Sprint 3 progressing? How are you finding learning new technical skills and creating an application?
Sprint 3 is going ok! I haven’t really touched frontend before, and it is quite difficult learning the technical skills. However, there are vast resources online, and I’ve been very fortunate to be able to ask Joshua for help. We also have Garvi working on the Figma (which is pretty fiddly), and that takes the burden off the rest of the team.
It’s been very rewarding seeing parts of our service coming together, and actually seeing it work. It’s also been very satisfying seeing all our buttons and colours coming together.
Do you feel you’ve improved as a team from Sprint 2 and learned from your previous mistakes?
As a team, we’ve settled into our strengths. Everyone has naturally been assigned (and has also been self assigning) tasks they are best suited to/want to do.
As a scrum master, I feel as if my job has been easier as people now know what they should be doing.
The team (mainly me) is also not the best at 9am meetings, and we have decided to push it back.
If you had 24 hours left to complete the Sprint, what would the thing you focus on be?
Our focus would be to get a MVP working - and at least get it working with our own send API (and sign up, log in, log out). Other APIs have been hit or miss, and have been unreliable, so we will simply try our best with those.