Tingzhuang Zhou Avijit PrasadMashira Farid Zifan Wei Lin Thit Myat Hsu
Note :- To see the interaction with the frontend look at Software Architecture Figure 2
Risk metric is received which is displayed on the risks maps. Risk metric is determined by population of the county, weekly infection rate, staffed hospital beds and ICU beds in the county and scaled in a range from 1 to 5.
Vaccination ratio is received by counties which is later converted into vaccination percentage and displayed with counties.
Weekly covid cases by counties are received which is used to determine community threats in each county.
Following dataset is used to receive hospital beds data which is later added to risk data. All the calculations and preprocessing done in. https://github.com/samztz/SENG3011_GeeksForHDs/blob/main/PHASE_2/epi_frontend/data/data_preprocessing.ipynb which produces final data in this format:
fips | risk | infectionRate | county |
New-York times API used to populate charts in every county
Deliverable 1
Through feedback we realised our understanding of article and report data that we were supposed to produce is not correct. We were also asked to document our project management better through Grantt charts and more detailed communications which we included in the final report