Versions Compared


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Team Roles -

Strengths + weaknesses , team leader/ scrum / product owner / delivery manager , decision making process and reasoning

Requirements Analysis

functional and non functional (security, performance) , correct user , user stories and acceptance criteria , logically group features , what competition looks like ……. Constraints -Assumptions , Technical Challenges

Software Architecture Design

frameworks - comparison table , multiple comparisons, decision making process and reasoning ,

API Design

APIc Sytem modelling, api lifecycle


Breadth and Depth of Implementation

Project Management and Communication

Software Quality - testing - pylint / pytest percentage , style - docstrings , testing practices , continuous integration and testing - how it is being run and hosted , what peripheral systems are being hosted, decision making and reasoning , continuous deployment

Breadth and Depth of Implementation


Software Quality

testing - pylint / pytest percentage , style - docstrings , testing practices , continuous integration and testing

Project Planning

refer to table

Front End Design - UX/UI, Figma , decision making process and reasoning , wireframes, user testing , use cases , system modelling , sketches

Project Management and Communication

Project Planning, refer to table - include the kanban method , scrums, agile etc etc, organise priority , table of comparison, deciosn making process and reasoning, organised GIT commits, git practices

Front End Design - UX/UI

Figma Team Roles - Strengths + weaknesses , team leader/ scrum / product owner / delivery manager , decision making process and reasoning , wireframes, user testing , use cases , system modelling , sketches

Sytem modelling

Future improvements

front end , back end

Report Structure

abstract, appendix , conclusion , no word limit , cover page , problem statement, Formatting, Future improvements, reflections