Create beautiful SVG maps in react with d3-geo and topojson using a declarative api.
We choose the React Simple Maps as our core package, over the other maps like google maps, because it is a React map library that allow us to customize a zoomable, Composable map component, that help use develop the functionalities like click to switch county display.
Jupiter Notebook preprocessor:
Key Benefits
Our first main key benefit was the total overhaul of the design compared to our old week 7-8 design. While that design had some benefits, with help from our tutor we managed to refine our ideas and move from an application which did a lot of multiple things decently to a much better application that did one thing very well - all done within only 2 weeks.
When a policy maker checks the severity of one specific county, there is one customised colour bar with discrete number as indicator shown below the risk level graph. It can use colour to differentiate the severity among all counties
When a policy maker hovers on the specific county, there is one small black box pops up. It describes the risk level of that county in a simplified way.
When a policy maker clicks one specific county on the graph, there is one side bar on the right-hand side pops up, it contains three parts, first part above is including county name and risk level latest update date. Second part middle includes a status bar that shows the severity of that county based on the risk level. As well as infection rate and other related information. Third part at the bottom exists one line graph which records the change of the number of epidemic cases in past few days. This detailed information can bring a clear overview of the county during pandemic which gives policy maker makes appropriate decision.
When a policy maker checks the vaccinated rate of one specific county, the map type would be switched to Vaccinations graph. There is one customised colour bar from light colour to dark colour to indicate how large the vaccinated rate is. It uses colour to have a clear comparison of vaccinated rate between adjacent counties.
When a policy maker checks how many empty beds left, the map type would be switched to Staffed Beds graph. There is one customised colour bar from light colour to dark colour to indicate how many beds left in each county. It could make it possible for distributing medical power between counties because the complete data analysis of staffed beds and risk level provided in the visualisation. The policy makers can compare the risk level of the county they live in with their adjacent counties, as well as comparing the staffed beds left between them. Thus, it could show the possibility to borrow some beds from one county to another which dealing with the insufficient supply of beds for that county.
Problem 1:
Users cannot be alerted with risk level changes.
Solution in future updates
When risk level changes which can be achieved through a setInterval method in use-state module of React. Users get notified through email with EmailJS.
Problem 2:
Although charts in counties are updated dynamically through NY times API.The Python file that generates data is not hosted in an API which does not dynamically update the map data.
Solution in future updates
Host the python file in lambda function which in futures can be called to get processed data.
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