Versions Compared


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Current team member knowledge of frameworks

Difficulty of frameworks to learn

How well the framework is documented

Availability / pricing of platforms

Additional Notes


Nodejs framework

Team has no experience

 -Medium level

 -Well documented

Free + open source



Nodejs framework

Joshua has minimal experience.

-Easy to use simply

-Some parts like different rendering types can be more complicated

-Fairly well documented

-Can find some debugging more difficult due to differences between frameworks

Free + open source


Boot strap

CSS Framework

Team has no experience

 -Easy to use however can be more complicated then simple plain javascript however easier for better looking designs

 -Well documented with lots of support

 Free + open source

 Adds extra visual flair



Joshua has minimal. Rest of team has no experience

-Fialry easy to learn, has some advance features

-Easy to get started with

 -Very well documented as very commonly used

Free + open source

Pro: Reuse HTML code anywhere in the app to build other components

Con: not as in depth documentation

Cons : limits team size


Javascript framework

Team has no experience

-Quite difficult to learn in comparison to React

-Steep learning curve.

 -Well documented however less common then react

Free + open source

-Clean code : compiles JS and will point out errors

-Server performance : improved in app

-Issues : complex to understand , migrating from old version to new Angular 8 version can slow down project


Javascript framework

Team has no experience

-Challenging to debug

 -Well documented however can be harder to find correct help

Free + open source

 Flexibility - write both HTML and JS in the template

-Fast and lightweight

-Reuse into existing apps

Issues : potential for issues / errors in the codebase for teams working on a big project


 Plain javascript

 Team has minimal expeirence

 -Very simple

-Lack of features means doing some things can escelate quickly

-Extremely well documented as used within all other options




 JavaScript runtime enviorment

Joshua has minimal experience

  • Farily easy to learn

    • Different frameworks and libraries have different dificulties

 Very well documented as extremely commonly used

Free + open source

Allows integration of other libraries and frameworks easily

Final choice


We chose to use NodeJS as it’s a very well supported and commonly used runtime. NPM allowed us to easily install further frameworks and libraries which made development mu

  • NextJS

  • React