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For testing, we used the local development server, and used Postman, which is a powerful tool for manipulating and keeping track of APIs. It also has a powerful suite of tools for testing the APIs, and hence I used it to help test itour API.

Our API was tested using inside Postman, and the test scripts and the results are recorded in the testscrpits.postman_collection.json file within the TestScrpits file in our github.


  • We haven’t tested any errors for any misspelled inputs such as invalid dates or cities. For now, those errors will return a 200 response with a blank JSON.

  • We haven’t tested specific reports other than checking if the server returns a correct response or not as the script for it isn’t fully complete at this time.

  • As a side note, the API as of now doesn’t differentiate between errors - as such each error is considered the same instead of being clarified as to what kind of error it is.