We would only need to use one programming language throughout our app, allowing us to work efficiently and consistently
Many online resources are available for it, so the few members of our team who were unfamiliar with JavaScript would be able to learn it quickly
JavaScript is the best language for web apps like ours
Data origin:
The origin of data source: http://outbreaks.globalincidentmap.com/
Scraping tools: Puppeteer in Javascript.
Result returned: targeted JSON data.
API design:
Using JavaScript to build RESTful API in Express (The framework in Node.js)
Using other teams’ API for convenience.
Localhost:5000/ is the placeholder we will use.
There are 4 types we need to use:
GET: Get the information user need.
POST: Change false information.
PUT: Update the information to latest version .
DELETE: delete the useless information.
Backend - NodeJS, ExpressJS