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Present and justify implementation language, development and deployment environment (e.g. Linux, Windows) and specific libraries that you plan to use. (Mashira Farid )

Language: Javascript, specifically NodeJS and ExpressJS for backend, React for frontend(?)

Libraries: Puppeteer for scraping

Database: MongoDB coz not very big application → dont need SQL

  • Frontend: ReactJS, MUI, *Rendering(CSR - CreateReactApp, SSR- NextJS),

  • Backend: NodeJs, ExpressJS,

  • Database: MongoDB

  • Libraries: PuppeteerJS, Morgan(logger), Winston(Logger)

  • Deployment: AWS *ES2,*ESC, *Lambda, *Heroku, *CI/CD(?)


Development and Deployment Environment:

Development: Windows/Linux/Mac?

Database: MongoDB coz not very big application → dont need SQL

Deployment: Heroku or AWS?

Testing: Postman?

Specific Libraries:

Material UI for frontend UI

Puppeteer for scraping

Morgan, Winstor for logging?