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\uD83D\uDDD3 Date

Time : 1pm - 3pm

Location : In person at Uni

\uD83D\uDC65 Participants

\uD83D\uDC65 Minute Taker

\uD83E\uDD45 Goals

  • Finish sprint planning

  • Do When2Meet to decide standups and meetings

  • Set up Sprint 2 formatting on confluence and create issues for the next 2 weeks. Set soft deadlines

  • Understand Sprint 2 Spec (everyone on the team)

\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics










Sprint 1 / Spirt 2 discussion with Max

  • Overview - Max is skimming through our Sprint 1 work. Questions about how to get invoices - team has to decide this. This API is public - we will need authorisation etc etc, may be difficult to link to the file system. Make another end point that user regos - gives them a token. Everyone has a different API -we have to link up with other people - there's a chance that it won't work with each other - would be a problem with everyone.

  • Write up a “middle” - make input and output of API very basic - not as specific.

  • Put a universal password on the token - send a request - cannot be a random individual.

  • Can we have it open to everyone? Make everyone pay for the API xd.

  • Performance : minimal amount of time to be complete.

  • Can we direct the calls - for people to access API - Heroku is free - and has automatic git integration.

  • Log our tasks - do we need to do this on a database - scalability - do we want it on a file system. Joshua has had experience doing this → use SQLite. AWS free SQL servers. SQL Alchemy on python to merge.

Data Modelling

  • Data is the login

  • If we want to store the XML files, can store this in the database - would this be apart of storage? - another section (refer to spec).

  • Python - class - may need a UML diagram. Purefly just functions - do all the logic in the function. Have a diagram. Implementation may be more complicated than it seems currently.

  • Technical designs - determine what the model should look like.

Non functional requirements

  • Tips : Creating user stories - “As an individual using the API?” - sensitive information - do not want this available to everyone. Privacy issues. Do not want random individuals to have access.

  • Who's is hosting : we are hosting the API?

  • NOT storing XML but transaction report. who, when, how big the file was, take basic information e.g. name. Have a brief overview of what occurs. If we dont keep the XML

  • XML : take it in the UBL format - validation. Assumptions - don't check that its has been validated - and assume OR check that it has been validated - assume that it is validated (in the spec)

  • Emails : getting this out of the XML file. One example does, other doesn't. Take input of file separately - give us email or find in XML : Yes, dig into XML - can put into parameters - if we dig in then we cant do multiple recipients? 3 email in the invoice - client and consumer. 3 in the ATO example.

  • One of our epics is sending to multiple recipients - if we dig through, and there is only 1 client, then yes delete? or keep. They want us to dig this into the XML - doesn't matter what the file sender is.

  • If we change the epic now, is that okay?

✅ Action items


⤴ Decisions
