Versions Compared


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  • Have the team roles been allocated logically according to individual member strengths / goals?

  • Has the entire team participated in the process of delegating team roles?


Team Member




  • Stepping in and helping others, feel quite comfortable. 

  • Getting the work done, once starting. Disciplined to finish off task. 

  • Comfortable reading through code and helping with bugs 

  • Pick up languages quickly 

  • Hands on coding

  • Struggles the most with organisation


  • Visual requirements & interface

  • Organisation


  • Pick up languages quite quickly. 

  • Fast at completing tasks 

  • Hands on coding

  • Limited on visual design elements


  • Very organised 

  • Experience in leading groups 

  • Good with deadlines - accountability

  • Takes time to understand what is required from the spec.


  • Good at picking up concepts and languages 

  • Enjoy working with others (pair programming) 

  • Will get work done! 

  • Procrastinate -  need deadlines 

Srum Master

We have decided to assign the role of scrum master to Joshua and Tay. Where Joshua will oversee the coding aspects of the project. Tay will oversee the team, she will keep people accountable for their tasks and provide assistance when needed.

Product Owner

Edward will fulfil the role of product owner. Hence, he will make sure that he understands the spec and conveys what requirements are needed for the project.

Delivery Manager

Garvi will be the delivery manager for this project. She will organise meetings and make sure that the task is running on schedule. If we are slow to meet deadlines, she will checkup on team mates and keep everyone on task.