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Need to create an API that sends an XML/UBL invoice to a number of recipients through SMS/Email.

The API will return (upon a call) a communication report.

The API needs to have a health check endpoint.


As a business, I want to know if my invoice was sent successfully so that I can make sure the invoice was sent or take further action.

  • Communication report with errors error or success

  • Report includes the type of error/s (eg. email address invalid, connection not etablished etc.)

  • Report also includes address, client, time/date

  • Readable communication report for humans to understand


  • When an invoice is sent and confirmed to be successful, the invoice is tagged as ‘sent’


  1. After requesting an invoice and it being created, I click send invoice

  2. I pick the delivery method (Email/SMS/SFTP) and input the details

  3. I click ‘send invoice’ and the system send the invoice to the addressee

  4. If the invoice is sent successfully, I receive a Communication Report with success and details

  5. If the invoice is sent unsuccessfully, I receive a CommCommunication Report with related errors and details, and am taken back to the sending page.


  • Ability to send XML via email, MMS and SFTP (MAYBE)

    • Ability to receive details of the user to send invoice

    • Ability to send in multiple formats

      • Send as file

      • Send as plain text

  • Ability to report back on success/failure of function

    • Ability to provide informative error description

  • The API needs to have a health check endpoint.